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The religion of love is the message of 
all religions"

Marcus Braybrooke is an Anglican priest, interfaith activist, and author of many books on world religions, interfaith co-operation and spirituality and prayer.  he is a co-Founder of the Faith and Belief Forum and Joint President of the World Congress.

His wife Mary, a social worker and magistrate has shared in the interfaith work and is a Vice-President of the World Congress of Faiths.

                                                      New Books 


Mary Braybrooke (1935- 2022) has been called a 'Woman of Spirit'


This book shares some of her wisdom and spirituality. Mary Walker was born in Cambridge, England in 1935. She was Head Girl of Cambridge High School for Girls and then studied sociology at Cambridge. She has worked as a Child Care Officer, a Social Worker and as a medical Social Worker, as well as being a magistrate or Justice of the Peace.


In 1964 she married Marcus Braybrooke and they have played an important role in the World Congress of Faiths and the Faith and Belief Forum.


The book includes a selection of her sermons, prayers and articles about her professional work as well as a little about her family. Mary and Marcus have two children and six grand daughters. This is a book, which having once read, you will want to keep by your bedside to look at again when you are anxious, unwell or unable to sleep. It is also an ideal present for friends who are having personal difficulties.



Today we are inheritors of the wisdom of spiritual teachers of every religion, century and country - thanks to the work of many scholars and translators. Their messages, with significant cross-cultural harmonies, can still inspire us today and help us recognise the oneness of all human beings. "Beacons of Light" introduces 100 of the world's most influential spiritual teachers - some like Jesus, the Buddha or Muhammad are well known; others like Rabia, Manikkavacakar, Guru Arjan Dev or Hildegard deserve to be better known.


The story of their lives is clearly set in the historical and religious context of their time. A summary is given of their message and continuing influence. Often inspiring quotations from their prayers or poems are included.


1,000 World Prayers is a very comprehensive selection of prayers from all religions traditions. It is arranged thematically. The anthology has two outstanding features.


It draws widely on many of the world's great religious and spiritual traditions and it focuses on contemporary concerns. There are prayers for times of joy - such as the birth of a child - and times of sadness - such as sexual abuse or sudden bereavement. There are many prayers for the needs of the world, for hungry, for peace, for the environment as well as ones which reflect the Divine Mystery.



John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford, called it "The most helpful and comprehensive anthology of prayers that I have found."

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