Marcus Braybrooke
Interfaith Activist and Author
A Heart for the World: A Program to Transform the World Based on Non-violence and Compassion
The book examines the teaching of the religions on war and peace, on the production and use of wealth, and their attitude to the natural world.
They show that interfaith partnership and a new spiritual awareness has the potential to
transform the world.
The book examines the teaching of the religions on war and peace, on the production and use of wealth, and their attitude to the natural world. It calls on people of faith to reject exclusivism, to renounce the use of force and to oppose the exploitation of the environment. In a readable way, with many personal references, the book grapples with major issues of the moment and provides detailed references for students and for those who want to pursue particular topics. It is also an inspiring and challenging call to the reader to become part of the changed world he or she would like to see.
'A Heart for the World' claims that there is an alternative, based on the moral and spiritual values shared by all the world religions.
The mystic tradition, in every faith, affirms that all life is sacred. It follows that all people of faith should help to create a culture of non-violence and peace. They should plead for compassionate economic policies which ensure life and dignity for all people. They should also cultivate a reverence for the Earth. Examples are given from many parts of the world of people who are living and working to give a heart to our global society.