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Meeting Jewish Friends and Neighbours: A Christian Approach (first edition)

An earlier edition

Meeting Jewish Friends and Neighbours, by a Christian who has devoted a lifetime to building better relations between Christians and Jews .provides an overview of the Jewish community in Britain: its history and the various ways of being Jewish.

•The reader is then invited to visit a Jewish home and a synagogue and introduced to the worship and the wealth of Rabbinic learning

•The High Holy Days and Passover are described.

•One chapter recalls the horror of the Holocaust.

and reflects on the question, 'Where was


•The complex situation in the Holy Land is outlined, as well as the efforts of some in all communities to work for justice and peace.

•The book ends by highlighting that ‘Jesus was a Jew.’

Marcus Braybrooke first visited Israel in 1959. He and his wife Mary have been back many times. He

was Director of the Council of Christians and Jews in the nineteen-eighties

Rabbi Tony Bayfield, Professor of Jewish Thought at Leo Baeck College, says, "This book bears

witness to the many friendships in the Jewish community which Marcus has formed through his

tireless activity, and to the ways those have enriched his Christian faith. It also shows how he has

always wedded to this practical experience a firm scholarly awareness of the issues involved."

Bishop Michael Ipgrave, Chairman of the Council of Christians and Jews, says, "It is imperative that

as Christians, repentant for our past behaviour and learning from our past mistakes, we should now

stand in solidarity with Jewish friends and neighbours as together we work for God's kingdom of

mercy, justice and peace. It is my hope and my prayer that this book will give its readers the

confidence and knowledge to do that."

Michael Sternberg, Chair of the Faith and Belief Forum, says, "This book is a 'tour de force': and a

unique one at that. It will tell you almost all you need to know about Jews in England ... it provides a

highly attractive and accessible understanding of the Jewish Religion, but also deals sensitively with

the Holocaust, Holocaust Denial, the indifference of the many, and the failure of the Churches. The

book tells the story of the creation of the state of Israel and the troubled situation in the area, but

also highlights the efforts of those who work for peace and justice. There is a valuable section on

Jewish-Christian relations and dialogue for a better world. This book is, effectively, a mini

Encylopaedia Judaica, although this does not capture the added value of the author's voice. .. He

exemplifies the teaching of his mentor, Sir Sigmund Sternberg, that 'prejudice can only be defeated

by truth"

The Journal of Ecumenical Studies has said "the value of the book is above rubies"

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